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Latest Valuentum Commentary

Jul 12, 2024
JPMorgan Chase’s Return on Capital Shines in Second Quarter
Image Source: Hakan Dahlstrom. On July 12, JPMorgan Chase reported second quarter results that beat expectations on the top line, but came up a bit short on the bottom line. JPMorgan is an important bellwether for the global economy, and its second quarter results spoke of continued strength and high returns on capital. We include Financial Select SPDR in the Best Ideas Newsletter portfolio to capture diversification benefits from the largest financial institutions. Shares of JPM yield 2.2% at the time of this writing.
Apr 12, 2024
JPMorgan Cautious on Geopolitical Tensions and Inflationary Pressures
Image Source: Hakan Dahlstrom. On April 12, JPMorgan reported mixed first-quarter 2024 results. JPMorgan is one of our favorite banks, in part due to strong leadership at the top and solid fortress-like balance sheet. Though we don’t include any individual bank in the newsletter portfolios, we do think the Financial Select Sector SPDR makes sense for diversification reasons, as showcased in the Best Ideas Newsletter portfolio. Shares of JPMorgan yield ~2.4% at the time of this writing.
Jan 4, 2024
4 Very Good Reasons Why We Don’t Like Dividends of Banking Stocks
Image: Bank Run in Michigan, USA, February 1933. Source: Public Domain. It’s sometimes easy to lose sight of the fragility of a banking firm’s business model. Let’s examine the reasons why we don’t like banking firms’ dividends. Reason #1: A Bank Run Is Always Possible. Reason #2: Others Have Tried to Invest in Bank Dividends and Have Failed. Reason #3: Cash Flow Is Not Meaningful at Banks. Reason #4: There Are Plenty of Other Options. Let's dig in.
Dec 16, 2023
ICYMI -- Video: Our Top Stocks for 2024
Valuentum's President of Investment Research Brian Nelson walks through the success of Valuentum's newsletter suite, the state of the economy and markets, and offers his favorite idea for each sector. Tune into this must-watch video.
Sep 18, 2023
The Role of Luck in Investing and How To Think About It
Image:  For every Amazon that made it, there are hundreds, maybe thousands, from the dot-com era that didn't. Very few remember or, both of which went belly up during the dot-com meltdown. For every Tesla, there is a DeLorean Motor Co. We might have completely forgotten about DeLorean were it not for the blockbuster movie, Back To The Future, that immortalized its futuristic sports car. For every streaming enterprise like Netflix, there is a Napster that failed. Most of us probably don't even remember the original Napster, which encountered legal troubles before closing shop shortly after the dot-com bust. For every Alphabet, there's an AltaVista or Netscape. For every Apple, there is a Palm or Blackberry. Who remembers how popular the Palm Pilot and Blackberry were? How about the Motorola Razr? For every Facebook and Instagram, there is a Myspace or Friendster. As investors, we underestimate the role of luck in a company's long-term success. In February 2000, a month before the dot-com market crash, a fledgling Amazon raised $672 million in convertible notes to European investors. If the company hadn't done so, there'd likely be no Amazon today, and one of the wealthiest men in the world, Jeff Bezos, might have just been a mere footnote in stock market history. Amazon would have been insolvent in 2001-2002 just like many of its other dot-com peers.
Aug 6, 2023
Berkshire’s Stake in Apple Has Been a Boon for Shareholders
Image: Apple has been a blessing for Berkshire Hathaway. Image Source: Berkshire Hathaway’s second-quarter 2023 10-Q. Berkshire Hathaway fits the bill of the types of companies we’re looking for in this market environment. The company holds a nice cash position on the books, to the tune of ~$147.4 billion, while notes payable and other borrowings stood at ~$125.3 billion--good for a solid net cash position. Operating cash flow advanced to ~$21.1 billion through the first six months of the year (up from ~$15.4 billion from the same period last year), while purchases of property, plant, and equipment came in at ~$8.4 billion (up from ~$6.8 billion), good enough for free cash flow generation of ~$12.7 billion year-to-date in 2023 (up from ~$8.5 billion). Berkshire’s strong net cash position and impressive free cash flow generating profile are big reasons why we continue to like shares in the Best Ideas Newsletter portfolio.
Jun 26, 2023
CFA Institute Blog: "Hide-'Til-Maturity" Accounting
CFA Institute Blog: "The Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) collapse recalls the tussle over the accounting for financial instruments after the global financial crisis (GFC) in 2009, particularly the debate about whether some financial instruments should be carried at amortized cost (held-to-maturity, HTM) rather than at fair value (available-for-sale, AFS), or what is referred to as the “mixed measurement model.”" -- Sandy Peters, CPA, CFA
Jun 5, 2023
ALERT: Going to “Fully Invested” in the Best Ideas Newsletter Portfolio
Image: Since the publishing of the first edition of the book Value Trap, the stylistic area of large cap growth (SCHG) has meaningfully outperformed both the equal-weight S&P 500 (SPY) and small cap value (IWN).With the debt-ceiling debate behind the markets, the regional banking crisis largely in the rear-view mirror, and the Fed winning the fight against inflation, a continuation of the strength in the markets as witnessed from the October 2022 lows can probably be expected. We're going to "fully invested" in the Best Ideas Newsletter portfolio today and expect to do the same in the Dividend Growth Newsletter portfolio and High Yield Dividend Newsletter portfolio soon.
May 30, 2023
Paper: Value and Momentum Within Stocks, Too
Abstract: This paper strives to advance the field of finance in four ways: 1) it extends the theory of the “The Arithmetic of Active Management” to the investor level; 2) it addresses certain data problems of factor-based methods, namely with respect to value and book-to-market ratios, while introducing price-to-fair-value ratios in a factor-based approach; 3) it may lay the foundation for academic literature regarding the Valuentum, the value-timing, and ultra-momentum factors; and 4) it walks through the potential relative outperformance that may be harvested at the intersection of relevant, unique and compensated factors within individual stocks.
May 8, 2023
Long Live Apple and Large Cap Growth!
Image: Since the release of the book Value Trap in December 2018, an ETF that tracks large cap growth (SCHG) has outperformed not only the S&P 500 (SPY), but also the areas of dividend growth (SDY) and small cap value (IWN) by sizable margins. In a world where monetary policy is tightening and regional banks are failing, we maintain our long-held view that big cap tech and large cap growth are the places to be. Since the release of the book Value Trap in December 2018, an ETF that tracks the area of large cap growth (SCHG) has not only outperformed the S&P 500 (SPY), but also the areas of dividend growth (SDY) and small cap value (IWN) by sizable margins. We love the net cash rich balance sheets and strong expected future free cash flow generators within the area of large cap growth, and Apple remains one of our very favorites that fits the mold. Apple is included in both the Best Ideas Newsletter portfolio and Dividend Growth Newsletter portfolio.

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