Q: How frequently are the (stock) reports updated and what triggers an update (i.e. since some appear quite old, how do you ensure that the analysis is still up to date)?
A: Our reports are updated at least every 3-4 months or when material results alter our estimate of a company's fair value. Fair value estimates do not change much over short-term periods, especially if our estimate of a company's intrinsic value is spot on. That said, we continue to improve the average age duration of our reports and expect it to be 1.5 months by the end of the year. By using our 'Symbol' search box in our header, you can gain access to some of the most advanced charting features to augment our Valuentum Buying Index's technical/momentum assessment. The charts are equipped with real-time data. The search box is also the best way to find our recent articles and analysis (as well as the 16-page and dividend reports) on companies of interest to you.
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