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Jun 10, 2024
Update: Frequently Asked Questions About Valuentum Securities, Inc.
Valuentum (val∙u∙n∙tum) [val-yoo-en-tuh-m] Securities Inc. is an independent investment research publisher, offering premium equity reports and dividend reports, as well as commentary across all sectors/companies, a Best Ideas Newsletter (spanning market caps, asset classes), a Dividend Growth Newsletter, modeling tools/products, and more. Independence and integrity remain our core, and we strive to be a champion of the investor. Valuentum is based in the Chicagoland area. Valuentum is not a money manager, broker, or financial advisor. Valuentum is a publisher of financial information. We address a number of questions from both subscribers and visitors to our site.
May 17, 2024
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May 1, 2024
McDonald’s Continues to Be Impacted By the War in the Middle East
Image: McDonald's shares have largely traded sideways the past couple years. Though impacts from the Middle East weren’t great and the pace of adjusted operating income and adjusted earnings per share growth weren’t as high as we would have liked in the first quarter, we’re sticking with McDonald’s in the Best Ideas Newsletter portfolio. McDonald’s mostly franchised business model works well in the current inflationary environment, and we continue to like the value it provides to consumers.
Mar 11, 2024
You Already Own Whatever Your Investment Will Pay You in Dividends
Image Source: Images Money. Stocks are generally valued on the present value of all their future free cash flows, which already include future dividend payments. A company’s dividend policy may impact an investor’s eagerness to pay a higher price for shares on the basis of a higher yield, but the dividend is a symptom of future free cash flows (and therefore intrinsic value), not the driver behind it.
Mar 8, 2024
Latest Report Updates
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Feb 25, 2024
We Remain Bullish; Is This 1995 – The Beginning of a Huge Stock Market Run?
Image: Large cap growth stocks have trounced the performance of the S&P 500, REITs, and bonds since the beginning of 2023. We expect continued outperformance in this area of the market. We’re now roughly four years past the depths of the COVID-19 meltdown, where equities collapsed in February and March of 2020. As the markets began to recover through 2020, our long-term conviction in equities only grew stronger. We think the biggest risk for long-term investors remains staying out of the market on the basis of what could be considered stretched valuation multiples. As we outlined heavily in the book Value Trap, valuation multiples hardly tell the complete story about a company and often omit key long-term earnings growth, cash flow dynamics, and balance sheet health considerations. We remain bullish on equities for the long haul, and we think the next couple years will be incredibly strong. Our best ideas can be found in the Best Ideas Newsletter portfolio, Dividend Growth Newsletter portfolio, High Yield Dividend Newsletter portfolio, ESG Newsletter portfolio, and via the Exclusive publication as well as options idea generation.
Feb 5, 2024
McDonald’s Facing Macro Challenges, Impacts from the War in the Middle East
Image Source: Mike Mozart. On February 5, McDonald’s Corp reported decent fourth-quarter results with strong revenue growth coming roughly in-line with consensus estimates and non-GAAP earnings per share exceeding the Street’s forecast. Though the firm noted that it is experiencing some macro challenges and that its operations continue to be impacted by the war in the Middle East, we like having McDonald’s as a core restaurant holding in the Best Ideas Newsletter portfolio in part because of its mostly franchised business model that handles inflationary pressures well and its strong and world-renowned brand name. The high end of our fair value estimate range of McDonald’s stands at $345 per share, and the company yields ~2.25% at the time of this writing.
Jan 21, 2024
3 Substantial Benefits of Dividend Growth Investing
Image Source: There are three primary benefits of a well-executed dividend growth strategy, one that is carried out with prudence and care and one that pays careful attention to the intrinsic value of the stock and its critical cash-based components. Albert Einstein is reported to have called compound interest the "eighth wonder of the world," but dividend growth investing has the potential to offer long-term investors so much more! Let's explain.
Jan 8, 2024
Thinking Slow: 3 Research Blind Spots That Changed the Investment World
Image Source: We have to be on high alert about how our minds work. PBS recently delivered a four-part series examining how easily our minds are being hacked, and why it is so important to "think slow." When it comes to the active versus passive debate, does the analysis suffer from parameter risk? With respect to empirical, evidence-based analysis, does the analysis have the entire construct wrong? When it comes to short-cut multiples, are we falling into the behavioral trap of thinking on autopilot?
Dec 28, 2023
6%+ Dividend Yielder Cracker Barrel Needs to Raise Menu Prices More Aggressively
Image: Cracker Barrel remains focused on returning cash to shareholders. We think performance at Cracker Barrel is fixable, but it has to be menu price-driven as commodity price and hourly wage inflation continues to eat into operating income, and traffic remains troubled even with increased spend on marketing. Notwithstanding its long-term unit growth opportunities at its Cracker Barrel and Maple Street stores, Cracker Barrel’s unique concepts continue to resonate with consumers, but the firm is being left behind in a world where other restaurants are sacrificing price-conscious consumers for those less concerned about price increases. Its ~6.3% dividend yield at the time of this writing speaks of heightened risk, as does its 0.5 Dividend Cushion ratio, but if Cracker Barrel can turn things around by ratcheting up its pricing initiatives more aggressively in fiscal 2025 and beyond, the stock could end up being one of the most attractive income ideas on the market today. For now, however, we’re watching and waiting for a strategic shift.

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The High Yield Dividend Newsletter, Best Ideas Newsletter, Dividend Growth Newsletter, Nelson Exclusive publication, and any reports, articles and content found on this website are for information purposes only and should not be considered a solicitation to buy or sell any security. The sources of the data used on this website are believed by Valuentum to be reliable, but the data’s accuracy, completeness or interpretation cannot be guaranteed. Valuentum is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for results obtained from the use of its newsletters, reports, commentary, or publications and accepts no liability for how readers may choose to utilize the content. Valuentum is not a money manager, is not a registered investment advisor and does not offer brokerage or investment banking services. Valuentum, its employees, and affiliates may have long, short or derivative positions in the stock or stocks mentioned on this site.