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Latest Valuentum Commentary

Jan 19, 2022
Microsoft Is Buying Activision On Way to Becoming Video Game Giant
Image Shown: Microsoft Corporation is buying Activision Blizzard Inc, the largest buyout for a US tech firm ever. Image Source: Microsoft Corporation – January 2022 IR Presentation covering its acquisition of Activision Blizzard Inc. On January 18, Microsoft Corp made history by making an all-cash offer to purchase Activision Blizzard Inc for $95 per share. The boards of both companies have already approved the deal. Inclusive of Activision’s net cash position, the deal is worth $68.7 billion which makes it the largest buyout ever for a US tech firm according to CNBC. This deal is expected to close in fiscal 2023 (Microsoft’s fiscal year ends in June). Once it closes, assuming the deal pasts antitrust muster, Microsoft views the acquisition as being accretive to its non-GAAP earnings per share. Our fair value estimate of Activision will be updated to reflect a modest discount to the buyout price to incorporate the small probability the deal won't be completed due to antitrust concerns.
Nov 19, 2020
Videogaming Business Becoming More and More Attractive
Image Shown: The video game industry has been placing a much greater emphasis on growing their mobile gaming operations in recent years. Part of that strategy has involved leveraging existing IP and well-known gaming titles to appeal to a wide range of users. Image Source: Electronic Arts Inc – Second Quarter of Fiscal 2021 IR Earnings Presentation. As households have largely been “cocooning” indoors to ride out the ongoing coronavirus (‘COVID-19’) pandemic, demand for digitally provided entertainment options has grown considerably. NPD Group, an industry-tracking firm, estimates that US video game sales (software and hardware combined) will reach $13.4 billion in total in across November and December of this year. That would be up 24% from year-ago levels, and note this is only looking at the US market, which is estimated to have 244 million consumers of video game content according to NPD Group. Many of those consumers are considered casual video game players, playing mobile games on their smartphones and tablets, though NPD Group noted the number of more dedicated gamers (measured by hours played per week) is on the rise in both nominal and absolute terms. Mobile gaming options generally rely on in-game transactions, called microtransactions, to generate revenue. Usually those offerings include aesthetic upgrades or the ability to progress through the video game at a faster pace. For more conventional video game offerings--those normally played on PCs or consoles--video game companies have increasingly been successful in selling add-on content via high-margin digital packages (and in some instances, microtransactions have also been successfully implemented). Longer term, the rise of e-sports offers another revenue generating opportunity for companies in the video game and digital advertising world. Though a nascent part of the video game industry, initial levels of interest have been impressive. Beyond rising demand for video streaming services, demand for video games, a (usually) cost-effective entertainment option, has also held up incredibly well during the pandemic with several big video game publishers reporting strong financial results of late, too. Furthermore, Microsoft Corporation and Sony Corporation recently launched their next-generation consoles, the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5, respectively. In theory, the console refresh cycle combined with growing demand for indoors entertainment options should provide the video game industry with several major growth catalysts in the coming quarters. One of the key positive attributes of the the video game publishing industry, generally speaking, is that these companies have strong balance sheets and stellar cash flow profiles (meaning a relatively modest amount of capital expenditures are required to maintain a certain level of revenues, and thus putting the firm in a position to better generate free cash flows). However, the performance of these companies can swing wildly depending on how well their blockbuster properties perform. The hit-or-miss nature of their operations has been a big reason why we haven’t added any videogame stock to the newsletter portfolios in the past, but their business models have become more and more attractive as the years have gone on. In this note, let’s get into the details of Activision Blizzard Inc, Electronic Arts Inc, and Take-Two Interactive Software Inc, while we discuss broader industry trends.
Apr 20, 2020
Our Reports on Stocks in the Oil & Gas Pipeline Industry
Image Shown: Valuentum's thesis on MLPs prior to their collapse in mid-2015. We've reallocated our resources to optimize our energy coverage.
Aug 28, 2018
ETF Analysis: Energy
Energy sector ETFs offer a diversified way to capture the potential for higher crude oil prices without being exposed to the capital budget decisions of any one operator.
May 17, 2018
Master Limited Partnership Simplifications on the Rise
With the announcement of three separate master limited partnership simplification transactions on May 17 alone, we must revisit our thesis that the business structure may not be in it for the long haul.
Mar 15, 2018
Nearly 60 Distribution Cuts Later, We Maintain Our View on the Hazards of the MLP Business Model
Image Source: Brian Cantoni. Valuentum has been highlighting the inherent risks associated with the master limited partnership (MLP) structure for some time now, but we are not alone in acknowledging the limited sustainability of such structures. Internal simplification transactions may only become more common moving forward as management teams seek to optimize the structure of their entities.
Dec 27, 2017
Objectivity in Analysis and the MLP Enigma
President of Investment Research Brian Nelson talks about how financial statement analysis keeps analysts objective. He also goes into how the distribution yields of MLPs may not reflect underlying business dynamics. Nelson also explains an inconsistency in the use of financing that supports the idea that MLPs are using external capital market issuances to fund distributions. Running time: ~15 minutes.
Dec 14, 2017
Video: What Cash Flow Are You Talking About?
President of Investment Research Brian Nelson reviews important topics from the first six episodes of "Off the Cuff," and goes into great detail about all the intricacies of "cash flow" from traditional free cash flow to enterprise free cash flow valuation. You know you want to watch. Running Time: ~14 minutes.
Dec 11, 2017
Omega Healthcare and Holly Energy Partners: Case Studies in REIT and MLP Income Evaluation
Image shown: The performance of the Vanguard REIT ETF (VNQ) during the Financial Crisis in 2007-2009. An assessment of a REIT’s or MLP’s dividend/distribution strength not only should reflect firm-specific fundamentals, but also external market conditions, which are paramount to the sustainability of most any REIT’s or MLP’s payout. Let’s remind readers of this important dynamic, which is captured via the two different Dividend Cushion ratios, and walk through what goes into the analysis we pursue when making a change with respect to our assessment of a company’s dividend health or safety.
Nov 30, 2017
Charting Cash Flow and Net Debt -- The Oil Majors
Image Source: Valuentum. Traditional free cash flow generation has been strong for the oil majors through the first nine months of the year, but their balance sheets remain bloated with net debt. A few haven't covered their cash dividends with free cash flow generation through the first nine months of 2017.

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